Monday 7 February 2011

Worried? Me? Naaa, just preparing.

My Mum often tells me that I shouldn't worry about things of which I have no chance of influencing the outcome. I don't like to call it worrying, I prefer to call it "preparing for all eventualities". So you can imagine that I have a list of questions going around my head 5 days before lift off.
  • How many pairs of shoes should I pack? Can I really take 5 pairs for 11 days? Duh, of course I can. :)
  • How can I guarantee the best view when the plane comes in to land? Google it right?
  • Will I cross the equator in the middle of the night when I am asleep or will I be able to watch my GPS go from N to S? (I am a self-confessed geek after all.)
  • What should I do on the plane to make 11½ hours pass as quickly as possible? Book suggestions please. Just started the latest Dan Brown, but it has large copy and I don't think it'll take long to finish.
  • What did we do with that pepper spray we shouldn't have brought home from the States a few years ago? (Wonder if it's as banned to take it out of the country as it was to bring it in?)
  • How high is the possibility of me coming home with freshly squeezed orange juice overdose? Pretty high I would say, LOVE the stuff!

Not worrying, just enjoying preparing for all eventualities.


  1. One day to go for you, 3 days to go for me. Suitcase is ready for packing, though it won't be filled with shoes :-) Love and hugs, Paulxx

  2. Install yourself on the right side of the plane with a pile of Magazines and a good book and keep your camera with you in your bag I used Sports setting continuous shooting and got some great shots :


  3. Helen, my dear extra daughter, good friend and ex. collegue as well! I thought your 40th birthday was next year. Totally wrong obviously. Anyway what a brilliant idea to celebrate with Bridget in Cape Town! I really wish you a wonderful time to remember for the rest of your life! That goes for Bridget as well. I really hope you got away as planned - We had 2,5 dm of fresh new snow friday morning. You went to the right place in februar. :) Lots of love from Birgitta
