Saturday 19 February 2011

Robben Island & Table Mountain

We had pre-booked tickets for Robben Island and (after a slight detour) managed to park the car in time to head to the V & A Waterfront in time for the boat over there. After the tour by an ex-political prisoner and a trip around some of the island on a very hot bus we headed back across a pretty choppy bay to Cape Town.

We spotted that Table Mountian was clear so dashed across town to the cable car, nervously observing the famous 'table cloth' slowly descending on top of the mountain. Luckily we timed it perfectly and managed to see some fabulous views across Cape Town in between occassional cloud cover. Table Mountain is a must experience before you die and I (Helen) just couldn't get over the beauty of it. I will be back.

View of Table Mountain from Robben Island.

Nelson Mandela's cell.

The famous tablecloth.


View of Lions Head on the way down.

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