Friday 18 February 2011

Denzel day!

No energy to write a lot and no pics to upload BUT I must just tell you that after a lovely dinner with friends at Primi this evening, we bumped into Denzel Washington at the One & Only. Now Bridge and I have been Denzel fans for as long as I can remember, so I do admit to giggling pretty uncontrollably over my dessert. (And OK, so bumped into was a slight exaggeration but he was sitting at a table only 20 meters from us.)

Tomorrow the idea was to go to Robben Island but the wind is so strong today that I'm not sure that we will want to.

Oh and I almost forgot the wonderful winetasting at Tokara in Stellenbosch with more friends. Everyone is looking after us so well, thank you so much for all your hospitality...and driving us around :).

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