Thursday 17 February 2011

Mon Feb 14th - New friends

We've done so much over the past 3 days that I just had to ask Bridge what we did on Monday, that must mean that we're having an action-packed holiday with not a lot of sitting down, my kinda holiday. I could remember the braai (BBQ to you and me) at Joanne and Peter's house in the evening, but how could I possibly have forgotten the penguins in the afternoon and that enormous white beach at Nordhoek?

So the morning started by picking up the hire car and driving down Chapmans Peak Drive on our way to see the penguins at Boulders Beach. Now I've been along Highway 1 in California and this was just as stunning, but in an entirely different continent. The views, the cliffs, the enormous white beach at Nordhoek that appeared out of nowhere and there wasn't a soul on it....everything was better than I thought it could be. And the I'm burnt as I wrote earlier, need I say more. We stopped in Kalk Bay for fish and chips at Kalkys and managed to tick that one off the list too.

To most people a penguin is a penguin. Oh no, not to Bridget. Bridget loves penguins. Not quite sure how many photos she took, but there were quite a few. In fact I think that she would have happily tried to smuggle one home if customs would have let her. But I must admit that they were cute and when you see that many of them, in pairs and with babies, you know that you're not in Sweden watching sparrows in the garden. There is a definite difference.

And then there was the braai at Joanne's house on Monday evening. After following Joanne's blog online for months every day, it was GREAT to finally get to meet her and of course some others (who shall remain nameless) who I have also been in contact with online for the past few years. To finally meet them in real-life was something else and we had a truely enjoyable evening.

Oh yes, how could I forget, I found my first geocache in South Africa today too! If I can be a geek at home, then I sure can be one here too.

Enjoying the braai with friends

Helen with Christopher and Jeremy

Penguins at Boulders Beach

Bridget and the view on Chapmans Peak Drive

P-p-p-pick up a penguin!

Long, white empty beach at Nordhoek

Can't get enough of that view.

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